BGMC – Challenging kids to Reach the World
Purpose: to give boys and girls, moms and dads, friends and family an opportunity to give every month their “change” to change the world. BGMC is touching every area of the world by supplying our missionaries with the supplies and tools they need to reach out to the lost through evangelism and discipleship
Time: 1st Sunday of every month @ 10:45 AM
Leaders: Misty Robinson & team

What is BGMC? What Does BGMC Do?
“BGMC is the AG missions program for kids that instills a heart of compassion to reach the lost through praying, giving, and going. All funds raised through BGMC go to meet critical needs around the world such as feeding programs, water wells, Bible schools, curriculum, and whatever else a missionary needs in their part of the world.”
Did you know? Among the Assemblies of God Missionaries, most were initially called to be missionaries while they were children!
What Does BGMC Money Buy? Our missionaries can use BGMC funds for any ministry supplies that relate to evangelism and discipleship. Puppets, music, and video tapes Tracts, Bibles, and literature
Sound systems, computers, and copy machines
And a whole lot more!